been hit very hard by this new medium. Even the comic books have declined greatly. Before TV, there had been much concern about why Johnny couldn’t read. Since TV, Johnny has acquired an entirely new set of perceptions. He is not at all the same. Otto Preminger, director of Anatomy of a Murder and other hits, dates a great change in movie making and viewing from the very first year of general TV programming. “In 1951,” he wrote, “I started a fight to get the release in motion-picture theatres of The Moon Is Blue after the production code approval was refused. It was a small fight and I won it.” (Toronto Daily Star , October 19, 1963) He went on to say, “The very fact that it was the word ‘virgin’ that was objected to in The Moon Is Blue is today laughable, almost incredible.” Otto Preminger considers that American movies have advanced toward maturity owing to the